"The Sky Line of Spruce" by Edison Marshall is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Ben Kinney, a strong and compelling character who has found himself in a convict gang due to a tumultuous past shrouded in amnesia. As he works on a road crew near Walla Walla, the narrative delves into themes of identity, redemption, and the interplay between nature and personal discovery as Kinney grapples with his lost memory and incomplete sense of self. The opening of the book introduces us to the convict work gang, with a particular focus on Ben Kinney, who is strikingly different from the other inmates. The guards discuss Kinney’s past, revealing he's a criminal but hinting at his former life before his mental break. A chance encounter with an old man named Ezra Melville ignites recognition within Ben, leading to a profound realization about his identity. This sets the stage for Ben's journey of self-discovery as he and Ezra embark on a path that may lead to recovering the fragments of his past, against a rich backdrop of the wilderness that begins to awaken his memories and vitality. The journey also introduces the theme of the North as home and the restorative powers of nature, as Ben embraces the beauty that surrounds him. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Sky Line of Spruce
By Edison Marshall
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
"The Sky Line of Spruce" by Edison Marshall is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Ben Kinney, a strong and compelling...
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About the Author
Edison Tesla Marshall was an American short story writer and novelist.
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