"Peter Schlemihl" by Adelbert von Chamisso is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story follows the life of Peter Schlemihl, a man who makes the fateful decision to sell his shadow to a mysterious figure in exchange for wealth. This unusual transaction leads him on a profound journey exploring themes of identity, loss, and societal acceptance. The opening portion introduces Peter Schlemihl as he navigates his arrival in a new town, eager to establish himself but soon feels the weight of his peculiar situation. After an awkward encounter with a wealthy man, Mr. Thomas Jones, and his company, he becomes intrigued by a mysterious old man in grey who seems to possess magical abilities, producing extravagant items seemingly from his pocket. As Schlemihl's curiosity leads him to a strange proposal to sell his shadow, he grapples with the implications of such a bargain, foreshadowing the challenges he will face. This sets the stage for a story that intertwines the surreal with deep introspection about human nature and societal values. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Peter Schlemihl
By Adelbert von Chamisso
"Peter Schlemihl" by Adelbert von Chamisso is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story follows the life of Peter Schlemihl, a man who make...
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About the Author
Adelbert von Chamisso was a German poet, writer and botanist. He was commonly known in French as Adelbert de Chamisso de Boncourt, a name referring to the family estate at Boncourt.
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