"Pussy Black-Face; Or, The Story of a Kitten and Her Friends" by Marshall Saunders is a children's fiction work written in the early 20th century. This charming story centers around a mischievous kitten named Pussy Black-Face and her adventures as she navigates her home life, encounters with humans, and interactions with other cats, particularly her struggles with identity and belonging. The opening of the story introduces Pussy Black-Face, a naughty young kitten who wishes to emulate her virtuous mother but often finds herself unable to follow her wise advice. As she reflects on her family, including her affectionate mother, aristocratic father, and siblings, she establishes a cozy yet chaotic world filled with playful antics. The narrative sets the tone for their loving household overseen by their kind owner, Mrs. Darley. The initial chapters hint at themes of family, self-identity, and compassion as Pussy Black-Face embarks on her journey, providing a lighthearted exploration of her kitten mischief and curious encounters. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Pussy Black-Face; Or, The Story of a Kitten and Her Friends
By Marshall Saunders
"Pussy Black-Face; Or, The Story of a Kitten and Her Friends" by Marshall Saunders is a children's fiction work written in the early 20th century. Thi...
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About the Author
Margaret Marshall Saunders CBE was a prolific Canadian writer of children's stories and romance novels, a lecturer, and an animal rights advocate. She was an active member of the Local Council of Women of Halifax.
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