"The Lady Evelyn: A Story of To-day" by Max Pemberton is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around themes of ambition, identity, and societal expectations as it introduces the central characters, Gavin Ord, a promising architect, and Etta Romney, a young woman living under a false identity as she pursues her dreams. Set against the backdrop of an aristocratic English house, Melbourne Hall, the narrative explores the complexities of life that the characters navigate in their quest for success and acceptance. At the start of the book, we meet Gavin Ord as he arrives at the Derbyshire mansion of Lord Melbourne. He is depicted as a talented architect summoned to restore the dilapidated estate. In stark contrast, the narrative hints at Etta Romney's secretive past as she embarks on an audacious adventure to act on stage while concealing her true identity as the Earl's daughter. The opening chapters set a tone of intrigue, with a spectral encounter by the river foreshadowing a blend of romance, mystery, and the ensuing consequences of their choices as Etta strives to embrace life beyond the confines of her aristocratic upbringing. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Lady Evelyn: A Story of To-day
By Max Pemberton
"The Lady Evelyn: A Story of To-day" by Max Pemberton is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around themes of ambition, iden...
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About the Author
Sir Max Pemberton was a popular English novelist and publisher working mainly in the adventure and mystery genres.
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