"Hatsu: A Story of Egypt" by Laura Dayton Fessenden is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Princess Hatsu of Egypt, her dying father King Tothmes the First, and the political and personal turmoil surrounding her obligation to marry her half-brother, the Idiot King Tothmes the Second. With themes of love, loyalty, and the struggle against oppressive duty, the narrative explores Hatsu’s deep emotional conflicts as she navigates her responsibilities as a royal and her desires for personal freedom. At the start of the tale, Hatsu is present in the Palace of Tears as her father breathes his last, urging her to marry Tothmes the Second for the sake of the kingdom. Despite her promise to her father, she grapples with the impending marriage and the potential destruction of her spirit that it represents. The opening also introduces Miriam, an Israelite slave and Hatsu's closest confidante, who represents a stark contrast between royal privilege and servitude. As Hatsu reflects on her future and the oppressive political landscape of her time, the weight of her royal duties becomes overwhelming, setting the stage for her inner conflict between duty to her family and her own desires for autonomy and happiness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Hatsu: A Story of Egypt
By Laura Dayton Fessenden
"Hatsu: A Story of Egypt" by Laura Dayton Fessenden is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Princess Hatsu ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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