"Tom Grogan" by Francis Hopkinson Smith is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around the indomitable character of Tom Grogan, a woman who operates as a stevedore and must navigate the challenges of her male-dominated profession, including union pressures and rivalries while striving to support her family. The opening of the novel introduces Babcock, a contractor anxiously awaiting Tom Grogan's work on a crucial sea-wall project. As he grapples with the delays caused by Grogan's absence, we are introduced to her forceful personality and impressive capabilities through her commanding presence on the job site. Tom Grogan is depicted not only as a hardworking stevedore but also as a mother fiercely committed to her children's welfare. The narrative immediately sets up the conflict between Grogan's commitment to her work and the societal challenges she faces due to her gender, setting the stage for a broader exploration of gender roles and labor dynamics. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Tom Grogan
By Francis Hopkinson Smith
"Tom Grogan" by Francis Hopkinson Smith is a novel written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around the indomitable character of Tom Gr...
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About the Author
Francis Hopkinson Smith was an American author, artist and engineer. He built the foundation for the Statue of Liberty, wrote many stories and received awards for his paintings.
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