"Heavenly Gifts" by Aaron L. Kolom is a science fiction story published in the early 1960s. This narrative explores the theme of faith and miracles through the experiences of a woman named Mrs. Frisbee who, after attending a revivalist meeting, finds herself communicating with a cosmic force that fulfills her heartfelt requests. The book mixes elements of common life with extraordinary phenomena, highlighting the blend of the ordinary and the divine. In the story, Mrs. Frisbee embarks on a journey of spiritual fulfillment, discovering that her sincere prayers for gifts lead to miraculous materializations, thus transforming her simple life into one filled with wonder. However, her actions inadvertently attract the attention of military authorities who become alarmed as similar phenomena occur elsewhere under highly classified circumstances. As a result, national security teams are mobilized, revealing a parallel narrative about the consequences of these cosmic interactions. The plot unfolds with Mrs. Frisbee's innocent faith in her prayers and the unfolding global ramifications, ultimately showcasing the delicate balance between personal belief and the broader implications of supernatural occurrences. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Heavenly Gifts
By Aaron L. Kolom
"Heavenly Gifts" by Aaron L. Kolom is a science fiction story published in the early 1960s. This narrative explores the theme of faith and miracles th...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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