"The Rajah's Heir" by Charlotte Despard is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Tom Gregory, a young Englishman, who unexpectedly discovers that he is the heir to the wealth and legacy of the Rajah of Gumilcund, an Indian prince. As Tom grapples with his new identity and responsibilities, the narrative weaves themes of heritage, love, and the cultural contrasts between England and India. The opening of the novel presents a poignant prologue detailing the dying moments of the Rajah, who reflects on his life and the need to ensure the future of his people. He entrusts his loyal servant, Chunder Singh, with the mission of finding Tom, who is unaware that he has royal blood and responsibilities awaiting him. As the story transitions to England, the narrative focuses on Tom and his mother, Mrs. Gregory, as they navigate the implications of this sudden familial connection. Tom is portrayed as a contemplative youth, torn between his ordinary life and the extraordinary legacy now thrust upon him, setting the stage for an exploration of identity and duty. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Rajah's Heir A Novel in 3 volumes
By C. (Charlotte) Despard
"The Rajah's Heir" by Charlotte Despard is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Tom Gregory, a young Englishman, who un...
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About the Author
Charlotte Despard was an Anglo-Irish suffragist, socialist, pacifist, Sinn FĂ©in activist, and novelist. She was a founding member of the Women's Freedom League, the Women's Peace Crusade, and the Irish Women's Franchise League, and an activist in a wide range of political organizations over the course of her life, including among others the Women's Social and Political Union, Humanitarian League, Labour Party, Cumann na mBan, and the Communist Party of Great Britain.
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