"A Gringo in Mañana-Land" by Harry L. Foster is a travel narrative written in the early 20th century. The book chronicles the author's adventures and encounters as he journeys through various countries in Central America, including Mexico, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. The narrative is imbued with humor and personal anecdotes, showcasing the author's experiences with local culture, revolutions, and the colorful characters he meets along the way. The opening of the narrative begins with the author's intention to drive from Arizona to Panama in a newly purchased automobile. However, after a humorous series of mishaps, he finds himself traveling by train into Mexico. He illustrates the challenging yet amusing encounters he faces as a foreigner, including navigating the bureaucracy at the border and experiencing the leisurely pace of life in Mexico. The author paints a vivid picture of his first days in the country, filled with both anxiety and excitement, setting the stage for a series of engaging and often comical escapades that follow in the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Gringo in Mañana-Land
By Harry L. (Harry La Tourette) Foster
With illustrations from photographs taken by the author.
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About the Author
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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