"Monopoly" by Vic Phillips and Scott Roberts is a science fiction novel written during the early 1940s. Set on the planet Venus, the narrative revolves around themes of power, rebellion, and exploration of a corporate monopolistic society. The book addresses the dynamics of control and the struggles of individuals against oppressive regimes in a futuristic setting. The story follows Brian Hanson, the head of the Venus Consolidated Research Organization, who finds himself unexpectedly entangled in a rebel uprising against a tyrannical company regime led by the sinister Serono Zeburzac. After a series of misadventures, including a mistaken arrest linked to the rebel Crystal James, Brian becomes a fugitive alongside her. They navigate perilous escape attempts and confrontations, discovering the lengths to which the ruling powers will go to maintain control. As they delve deeper into a rebellion that promises hope for freedom, they endure harrowing challenges, including clever attempts at sabotage, life-threatening confrontations, and the moral dilemmas of war. Ultimately, the novel culminates in a dramatic clash between the remnants of old power structures and the new revolutionary forces. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Vic Phillips
"Monopoly" by Vic Phillips and Scott Roberts is a science fiction novel written during the early 1940s. Set on the planet Venus, the narrative revolve...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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