"The Room in the Tower" by E. F. Benson is a collection of supernatural short stories written in the early 20th century. This collection primarily focuses on themes of the uncanny, exploring the hidden fears and psychological anxieties that arise from the unseen and the supernatural. The titular story introduces a recurring nightmare of the protagonist, who grapples with a foreboding “room in the tower” that is associated with dread and an ominous presence. The opening of "The Room in the Tower" sets the stage with a preface that expresses the author’s intent to evoke a sense of unease in the reader. The first story begins with a character reflecting on the nature of dreams and their potential to manifest in waking life. We learn about the protagonist's nightmarish recurring dream involving a foreboding visit to a red-brick house where he meets a boy named Jack Stone, followed by a private accommodation in a dreadful room at the top of the house—a place laden with unexplainable fear. As the narrative progresses, the protagonist recalls the vividness of these dreams, setting a haunting tone as he navigates both memory and reality, leaving readers intrigued by the intertwining of dreams, fears, and the supernatural. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The room in the tower, and other stories
By E. F. (Edward Frederic) Benson
"The Room in the Tower" by E. F. Benson is a collection of supernatural short stories written in the early 20th century. This collection primarily foc...
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About the Author
Edward Frederic Benson was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, historian and short story writer.
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