"Not in the Script" by Arnold Marmor is a science fiction novella written in the mid-20th century. The story hinges on a critical mission to deceive Martian visitors into believing that Earth is technologically inferior to prevent an impending invasion. The plot highlights the creative efforts of the protagonist, Jules Barnes, who must write and direct a play meant to showcase this fabricated narrative, emphasizing the threat of interplanetary conflict during the era of the Cold War. In the story, playwright Jules Barnes is unexpectedly enlisted by Captain Colen Shratt to produce a play that will mislead Martians about Earth's true capabilities. As the Martians prepare to visit, Barnes tirelessly collaborates with global leaders and industry experts to orchestrate a convincing performance, designed to make them appear inept and unthreatening. Throughout the play's production, tensions rise as Barnes grapples with the weight of his responsibilities. Ultimately, as the Martians depart believing that Earth poses no threat, Shratt and the military reveal their true intentions to launch a counter-offensive against Mars, leaving Barnes to ponder the moral implications of their deception. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Not in the Script
By Arnold Marmor
"Not in the Script" by Arnold Marmor is a science fiction novella written in the mid-20th century. The story hinges on a critical mission to deceive M...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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