"Belles and Ringers" by Hawley Smart is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Lady Mary Bloxam, who is eager to help her daughters secure suitable marriages during their social season. The central focus appears to be on the lives of the Bloxam family, particularly the matchmaking efforts of Lady Mary, as they interact with various characters in their social circle. The opening of the novel introduces Todborough Grange, the home of Cedric Bloxam and his family, setting the stage for a blend of country life and social dynamics. Lady Mary is determined to ensure her daughters, particularly the beautiful Blanche, find advantageous matches, and she discusses potential suitors, including Lionel Beauchamp. The narrative hints at complications when Lady Mary’s plans are upended by the arrival of Sylla Chipchase, a charming cousin, who becomes a formidable rival for Blanche’s affections. The chapter unfolds with a lively dinner party atmosphere, leading to the excitement of an upcoming ball that will likely serve as a critical event for the characters’ social maneuvering. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Belles and Ringers
By Hawley Smart
"Belles and Ringers" by Hawley Smart is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Lady Mary Bloxam, who is eager to help her...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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