"A Romantic Young Lady" by Robert Grant is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Virginia Harlan, a young woman raised in a wealthy but unconventional household, as she navigates her way into society while grappling with her heritage and the expectations placed upon her. Central to the narrative are Virginia's relationships with her father, her aunts, and a young man named Roger Dale, as she seeks love and independence amid societal pressures. At the start of the book, we are introduced to Virginia and her unusual upbringing, marked by the influence of her two aunts who shape her education and outlook on life. As Virginia prepares to enter society at eighteen, she learns she is heir to a substantial fortune, which complicates her views on relationships and self-identity. Through her father's guidance, Virginia is made aware of the potential pitfalls of wealth and the insincere courtship that may arise from her fortune. The opening sets the stage for her eventual romantic entanglements and her struggle for autonomy, all while highlighting the tension between her idealistic dreams and the harsh realities of societal expectations. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Romantic Young Lady
By Robert Grant
"A Romantic Young Lady" by Robert Grant is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows Virginia Harlan, a young woman raised in a weal...
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About the Author
Robert Grant was an American writer and a jurist who participated in a review of the Sacco and Vanzetti trial a few weeks before their executions.
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