"The Diamond Lens" by Fitz James O'Brien is a science fiction short story written during the mid-19th century, likely in the Victorian era. The narrative revolves around the concept of microscopic inquiry and the pursuit of scientific discovery, exploring the limits of human perception and obsession with knowledge. The story follows the protagonist, Linley, an aspiring microscopist who becomes enthralled by the beauty of a microscopic creature he names Animula, discovered through a diamond lens he constructs using a rare and large diamond. Initially, Linley is deeply captivated by Animula's ethereal beauty and the fantastical world within the drop of water in which she resides. However, he becomes increasingly consumed by his infatuation and neglects reality, leading to tragedy when the water evaporates and Animula perishes. Linley's obsession results in his mental and physical deterioration, reflecting the dangers of becoming too engrossed in one's pursuits, ultimately leaving him as a broken individual haunted by the loss of his beloved microscopic creation. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Diamond Lens
By Fitz James O'Brien
"The Diamond Lens" by Fitz James O'Brien is a science fiction short story written during the mid-19th century, likely in the Victorian era. The narrat...
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About the Author
Fitz-James O'Brien was an Irish-American writer of works in fantasy and science fiction short stories. His career was marked by a significant contribution to the American literary scene in the mid-19th century.
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