"That Unfortunate Marriage, Vol. 3" by Frances Eleanor Trollope is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds around the character of May Cheffington, who faces dilemmas regarding love and societal expectations, particularly concerning her relationship with Mr. Bragg as well as her feelings for another man named Owen. The opening of the volume introduces May in a state of agitation due to an impending proposal from Mr. Bragg. The narrative presents familial dynamics, particularly the manipulative nature of her Aunt Pauline, who pushes for a marriage that aligns with social status rather than genuine affection. In the midst of this, May is confronted by her own feelings for Owen, which complicate her situation and deliver emotional tension as she navigates between societal duties and her heart's desires. The stage is set for a conflict that blends personal choices with societal pressures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
That Unfortunate Marriage, Vol. 3
By Frances Eleanor Trollope
"That Unfortunate Marriage, Vol. 3" by Frances Eleanor Trollope is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds around the character of...
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About the Author
Frances Eleanor Trollope was an English novelist. She was best known for her biography on her mother-in-law, Frances Milton Trollope, who was famous for her book, Domestic Manners of the Americans, as well as her novels.
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