"Frank Reade and His Steam Horse" by Luis Senarens is a serialized adventure story written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around Frank Reade, a young inventor, and his remarkable creation—a steam-powered horse designed for rapid travel across the plains. The story promises thrilling escapades, exploration, and the excitement of technology in action, as Frank prepares to embark on adventures with his steam horse. The opening of the tale introduces Frank as he diligently constructs his steam horse, revealing his ingenuity and ambition. As he works, he meets Patrick McSpalten, an amiable Irishman who is astonished by the invention and expresses a desire to learn about its workings. This initial interaction establishes Reade's character as both inventive and friendly. The chapter hints at upcoming travels and alliances, particularly with Frank's cousin, Barney Shea, whose adventurous spirit complements Frank's inventions. The groundwork for adventure is set, as Frank gears up to leverage his steam horse for exciting journeys, hinting at encounters with the wild, the unknown, and perhaps even danger ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Frank Reade and His Steam Horse
By Luis Senarens
"Frank Reade and His Steam Horse" by Luis Senarens is a serialized adventure story written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around Fran...
Luis Philip Senarens was an American dime novel writer specializing in science fiction, once called "the American Jules Verne".
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