"Operation Boomerang" by George Revelle is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around the challenges and emotional conflicts surrounding a significant space mission, specifically the launch of the spacecraft "Starfrost", which is intended to circle the Moon. The narrative delves into themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the impact of human decisions in the realm of space exploration. In the book, Colonel Wade Boeman is in charge of overseeing the mission, which ultimately centers on Captain Allen Ackerson, who is set to pilot the "Starfrost". Throughout the narrative, Boeman grapples with personal feelings—particularly centered around Tomer, a fellow soldier who dropped out of the training program, and a sense of rivalry with Ackerson. Despite his disdain for Ackerson's attitude, Boeman's primary focus remains on the mission and its implications for national security. As the "Starfrost" successfully completes its mission, the public celebrates Ackerson as a hero, leaving Boeman with conflicting emotions, as Tomer has been left behind in a precarious situation in space. The story culminates in an exploration of what true heroism means, distinguishing between those who seek fame and those who act out of duty and necessity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Operation Boomerang
By George Revelle
"Operation Boomerang" by George Revelle is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around the challenges and emoti...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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