"The Camp Fire Girls by the Blue Lagoon" by Margaret Vandercook is a novel written in the early 20th century. This work is part of a series focused on the adventures and personal growth of young women involved in the Camp Fire Girls organization. The story likely revolves around Bettina Graham and her companion, Elce, who embark on a spontaneous trip to New York City, where Bettina seeks the guidance of her Camp Fire guardian, Mrs. Burton, amidst the bustling life of the city and her personal struggles with family expectations. At the start of the novel, Bettina and Elce are introduced as they navigate the busy streets of New York. Bettina is anxious to reunite with Mrs. Burton, who she regards as an important figure in her life, particularly as she grapples with her desire for independence and her dreams of pursuing social settlement work, in contrast to her mother's wishes for her to enter high society. The opening chapters set the stage for Bettina's journey of self-discovery, highlighting her aspiration to find her own path while dealing with the challenges of friendship and familial pressure in an unfamiliar environment. As they seek out Mrs. Burton, Bettina's growing sense of agency, her relationship with Elce, and the cultural backdrop of the city come to the forefront, promising a narrative rich in personal growth and adventure. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Camp Fire Girls by the Blue Lagoon
By Margaret Vandercook
"The Camp Fire Girls by the Blue Lagoon" by Margaret Vandercook is a novel written in the early 20th century. This work is part of a series focused on...
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About the Author
Margaret O'Bannon Womack Vandercook was an American writer of children's literature.
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