"The Camp Fire Girls on the Field of Honor" by Margaret Vandercook is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of young American girls, particularly Vera Lagerloff, as they travel to France during World War I to help in the devastated regions and to establish a Camp Fire organization among the French girls. The narrative unfolds against a backdrop of wartime heroism and the challenges of reconstruction, emphasizing themes of courage, friendship, and service. The opening of the novel introduces us to Vera Lagerloff, who is assisting in preparing for a journey to France with Mrs. Burton and other Camp Fire girls. Set in an old New York house, Vera is depicted studying French and contemplating the work ahead of her, including the dangers and excitement of their mission. When she stumbles upon a thief in Mrs. Burton's private sitting room, a tense encounter follows, showcasing Vera's bravery. As the girls prepare to sail to France, they are joined by various characters, including Miss Patricia Lord, setting the stage for a rich exploration of their endeavors as they face both the remnants of war and the resilience of the French people they aim to assist. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Camp Fire Girls on the Field of Honor
By Margaret Vandercook
"The Camp Fire Girls on the Field of Honor" by Margaret Vandercook is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of young Am...
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About the Author
Margaret O'Bannon Womack Vandercook was an American writer of children's literature.
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