"Around the Clock in Europe: A Travel Sequence" by Charles Fish Howell is a travel narrative written in the early 20th century. This work presents a vivid exploration of various European cities, each captured within a distinct hour of the day, showcasing their unique atmospheres and cultural traits. As readers journey through the text, they are likely to encounter the sights and sounds of different locales, immersing themselves in the life of the cities at these specific moments. The opening of the narrative begins with Edinburgh, depicting the city at 1 PM as it springs to life during the lunch hour. Howell evokes vivid imagery of the bustling streets, the iconic views from Princes Street, and the historical richness embedded in the landscapes and architecture. He captures the character of the locals and the distinct feel of the city, aiming to provide readers with a keen sense of place as they engage with his impressions and anecdotes. Each moment is portrayed with a blend of historical context, personal observation, and imaginative flair, setting the stage for the subsequent travels throughout Europe. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Around the clock in Europe : $b A travel sequence
By Charles Fish Howell
"Around the Clock in Europe: A Travel Sequence" by Charles Fish Howell is a travel narrative written in the early 20th century. This work presents a v...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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