"The Luckiest Girl in the School" by Angela Brazil is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young girl named Winona Woodward, who faces a considerable change when her family encounters financial difficulties due to the war. This prompts her to consider the possibility of attending Seaton High School on a scholarship while living with her formidable Aunt Harriet, pushing her to confront new challenges and opportunities. At the start of the book, the Woodward family discusses their financial woes, leading Winona's mother to consult Aunt Harriet for advice. Winona is presented with a life-changing proposition: to take an entrance examination for a scholarship to Seaton High School, a prestigious institution. Although initially resistant to the idea, Winona's sense of duty and ambition gradually compel her to participate in the examination. The opening portion sets the stage for her personal growth, the dynamics of her family, and the context of the war affecting their lives, hinting at a transformative journey for the protagonist as she grapples with her future. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Luckiest Girl in the School
By Angela Brazil
"The Luckiest Girl in the School" by Angela Brazil is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a young girl named Winona W...
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About the Author
Angela Brazil was one of the first British writers of "modern schoolgirls' stories", written from the characters' point of view and intended primarily as entertainment rather than moral instruction. In the first half of the 20th century she published nearly 50 books of girls' fiction, the vast majority being boarding school stories. She also published numerous short stories in magazines.
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