"Abraham Lincoln: An Horatian Ode" by Richard Henry Stoddard is a poetic tribute written in the mid-19th century, specifically soon after Lincoln's assassination. The book is a reflective ode, capturing the collective grief and loss felt by a nation mourning its leader. It explores themes of heroism and humanity, emphasizing Lincoln's character and the profound impact of his death on the American people. The poem begins by contrasting Lincoln's assassination with the deaths of other leaders, suggesting that the nature of Lincoln's fall was uniquely tragic and unexpected. Stoddard paints Lincoln as a man of the people, with humble origins and relatable qualities, who rose to guide the nation through a tumultuous period of civil strife. The verses evoke a deep sense of sorrow and disbelief, as the speaker reflects on the societal chaos following Lincoln's death, calling upon the nation to honor his legacy. The ode closes with a strong call for remembrance, ensuring that Lincoln's virtues will be celebrated for generations to come. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Abraham Lincoln: An Horatian Ode
By Richard Henry Stoddard
"Abraham Lincoln: An Horatian Ode" by Richard Henry Stoddard is a poetic tribute written in the mid-19th century, specifically soon after Lincoln's as...
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About the Author
Richard Henry Stoddard was an American critic and poet.
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