"Caprice" by Ronald Firbank is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Miss Sarah Sinquier, the daughter of a canon, who harbors aspirations of becoming an actress and seeks a more vibrant life outside her quiet, conventional existence. The novel captures her whimsical thoughts and desires as she contemplates her future, and her character demonstrates a blend of humor and aspiration, tinged with elements of social observation. At the start of the novel, the noise of church bells fills the air on a Sunday, setting the stage in a quaint town. Miss Sinquier is introduced as a lively character peering out from her bedroom, lost in daydreams about love, theatrical ambition, and societal expectations. Her name and the idyllic yet stifling setting paint her as a restless spirit yearning for the excitement of city life and the stage. As her interactions with her father and other characters unfold, readers glimpse her wit and desires, as well as the societal constraints she wishes to break free from while weaving between serious aspirations and lighthearted whims. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Ronald Firbank
"Caprice" by Ronald Firbank is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Miss Sarah Sinquier, the daughter of a canon, who ...
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About the Author
Arthur Annesley Ronald Firbank was an innovative English novelist. His eight short novels, partly inspired by the London aesthetes of the 1890s, especially Oscar Wilde, consist largely of dialogue, with references to religion, social-climbing, and sexuality.
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