"Miss Caprice" by St. George Rathborne is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in Malta, where a group of tourists navigates their surroundings and encounters various adventures, particularly focusing on the characters of Lady Ruth and the young American medical student, John Craig, often referred to as "Doctor Chicago." The narrative explores themes of bravery, rivalry, and romance amidst the picturesque Mediterranean setting. The opening of "Miss Caprice" sets the stage with a small group of tourists—including the proud Lady Ruth, her eccentric Aunt Gwen, and several male companions—who ascend a hill to enjoy a view of Valetta. As they engage in spirited discussions about courage and national pride, a challenge arises when Lady Ruth playfully asks Doctor Chicago to retrieve a flower precariously growing on a cliff. When he declines due to the peril, she brands him a "coward," inciting conflict with Colonel Lionel, who seeks to impress her by successfully obtaining the flower. The tensions escalate, leading to a sudden and alarming incident in the city as they face a rabid dog, which transforms the day's leisure into a moment of life and death, showcasing Craig's unexpected heroism. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Miss Caprice
By St. George Rathborne
"Miss Caprice" by St. George Rathborne is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in Malta, where a group of tourists navigates th...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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