"Snow-Blind" by Katharine Newlin Burt is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in a stark, snowy wilderness, following Hugh Garth, a rough and embittered man, as he interacts with his younger brother Pete and a woman named Bella. The story explores themes of isolation, unfulfilled dreams, and the haunting past that grips Hugh, revealing the tensions in relationships formed under the oppression of their rugged, remote life. At the start of the book, Hugh Garth is introduced as a tormented figure emerging from his cabin, surrounded by a harsh winter landscape. His feelings of frustration and anger manifest in his interactions with Pete, a quiet youth who seems to idolize him, and Bella, a woman who provides a nurturing presence but also hides her own complexities. A domestic conflict arises following Hugh's harsh words toward Pete, revealing a power struggle and the emotional burdens they all carry. The tension crescendos when Hugh's past catches up with him, as it is revealed that there are men searching for him because of a crime he committed years ago. This ominous turn introduces a sense of danger and foreshadows a confrontation that could change their isolated lives forever. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Katharine Newlin Burt
"Snow-Blind" by Katharine Newlin Burt is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds in a stark, snowy wilderness, following Hugh...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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