"The Auto Boys' Mystery" by James A. Braden is a novel presumably written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a group of adventurous boys known as the Auto Boys, who embark on a summer camping trip by the secluded Opal Lake. Their peaceful getaway takes a turn when they stumble upon mysterious happenings linked to a stolen payroll and a troubling character known as Murky. At the start of the novel, the Auto Boys, comprised of Phil Way, Billy Worth, Dave MacLester, and Paul Jones, enjoy their camping trip with fishing and exploration. However, their curiosity is piqued by the abandoned clubhouse nearby, where strange noises and suspicious individuals loom. Following one boy's secretive exploration of the clubhouse, they learn about past crimes involving stolen money and the dangerous figure, Murky. As the tension mounts, they meet Chip Slider, a homeless boy with connections to the unfolding mystery, thus setting the stage for intrigue and adventure as they seek to uncover the truth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Auto Boys' Mystery
By James A. (James Andrew) Braden
"The Auto Boys' Mystery" by James A. Braden is a novel presumably written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a group of adventurous b...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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