"Footsteps of Fate" by Louis Couperus is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around Frank Westhove, a well-to-do young man living in London, who crosses paths with his long-lost friend Robert van Maeren, a frail, poor vagabond in dire need of help. As Frank provides comfort and shelter to Bertie, their complex friendship begins to unravel against a backdrop of social status, dependency, and the search for personal fulfillment amidst the vagaries of fate. The opening of the novel establishes an atmosphere of connection and nostalgia between Frank and Bertie as they reunite after years apart. Frank encounters Bertie on a snowy night, where he learns of Bertie's fall from grace and offers him refuge in his home. The narrative unfolds their interactions, with Bertie gradually adapting to a life of luxury while grappling with the shadows of his past and his growing dependence on Frank. As the story progresses, themes of friendship, jealousy, and the impact of fate begin to surface, foreshadowing the potential conflicts in their close relationship and setting the stage for deeper explorations of identity and human connection. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Footsteps of Fate
By Louis Couperus
Translation of: Noodlot
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About the Author
Louis Marie-Anne Couperus was a Dutch novelist and poet. His oeuvre contains a wide variety of genres: lyric poetry, psychological and historical novels, novellas, short stories, fairy tales, feuilletons and sketches. Couperus is considered to be one of the foremost figures in Dutch literature. In 1923, he was awarded the Tollensprijs.
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