"The Motor Maids by Rose, Shamrock and Thistle" by Katherine Stokes is a novel written in the early 20th century. This engaging story follows a group of young women, known as the Motor Maids, as they embark on a journey across the Atlantic, facing new adventures and challenges along the way. Central characters include the spirited Wilhelmina Campbell, her friend Nancy Brown, and their cousin Miss Helen Campbell, who navigate the trials of seasickness and the excitement of traveling to foreign lands. At the start of the narrative, the group is aboard a ship heading for Europe, where they are troubled by the miseries of seasickness while enjoying the vibrant interactions among fellow passengers. Billie, the protagonist, displays a cheerful demeanor as she tends to her ailing friends, showcasing both her determination and optimism. She encounters various characters, including a young Irishman named Feargus O’Connor, who has his share of family grievances, and a mysterious sickly child referred to as "little Arthur," whose health captivates the attention of the crew and other passengers. As the story unfolds, it hints at deeper connections and adventures waiting for the Motor Maids in their travels. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Motor Maids by Rose, Shamrock and Thistle
By Katherine Stokes
"The Motor Maids by Rose, Shamrock and Thistle" by Katherine Stokes is a novel written in the early 20th century. This engaging story follows a group ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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