"Little Grandfather" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. It follows the mischievous but endearing character of Willy Parlin, a young boy who navigates the adventures and challenges of childhood, particularly in a household filled with love and a bit of chaos. The story is set against the backdrop of family dynamics, depicting the various relationships between Willy, his siblings, his parents, and other characters in their community. The opening of "Little Grandfather" introduces us to Willy Parlin, a spirited three-year-old boy who takes pride in his unique appearance in a new outfit despite being teased by his older brother. His close-knit family consists of loving parents, siblings, and household helpers, each with their distinct perspectives on Willy's antics. As we delve further into the chapter, we learn about Willy's nocturnal adventures, including his tendency to walk in his sleep, and how this quirk ties into the stories of the adults around him. The narrative sets the stage for Willy's explorations of both the joys and the trials of childhood, hinting at further adventures and lessons to come as he interacts with the world around him. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little Grandfather
By Sophie May
"Little Grandfather" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. It follows the mischievous but endearing character of Willy...
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About the Author
Rebecca Sophia Clarke, also known as Sophie May, was an American author of children's fiction. Using her nieces and nephews as inspiration, she wrote realistic stories about children. Between 1860 and 1903, she wrote 45 books, the most popular being the Little Prudy series. She spent most of her life in her native town of Norridgewock, Maine.
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