"Little Pitchers" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the charming and whimsical lives of young twins, Pollio and Posy Pitcher, as they navigate their early childhood experiences in a small town. The narrative captures their playful personalities and the loving dynamics within their family, highlighting themes of innocence, curiosity, and familial bonds. The opening of the book introduces Pollio and Posy, who at the beginning are four years old and full of life and imagination. The narrative provides a colorful description of their home in Rosewood and presents their contrasting characters: Pollio, who is amusingly homely and comical, and Posy, who is beautiful and sweet-natured. As the twins venture into their daily lives, readers witness their innocence and playful mischief intertwined with life lessons about obedience and kindness. The opening chapters set the stage for the twins' adventures and the heartwarming interactions with their family members, offering a glimpse into a bygone era's simplicity and charm. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little Pitchers Flaxie Frizzle Stories
By Sophie May
"Little Pitchers" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the charming and whimsical lives of ...
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About the Author
Rebecca Sophia Clarke, also known as Sophie May, was an American author of children's fiction. Using her nieces and nephews as inspiration, she wrote realistic stories about children. Between 1860 and 1903, she wrote 45 books, the most popular being the Little Prudy series. She spent most of her life in her native town of Norridgewock, Maine.
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