"Dotty Dimple at School" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The book follows the adventures of the young protagonist, Dotty Dimple, as she navigates her first days at school. Through her experiences, readers are likely to witness Dotty's lively imagination and her interactions with classmates, offering a humorous and heartfelt exploration of childhood challenges and friendships. At the start of the book, Dotty Dimple is introduced on her first day of school, filled with excitement and nervousness. Despite her sister Prudy's gentle reminders to behave, Dotty can't help but express her enthusiasm and curiosity about the school environment. As Dotty engages with her new teacher, Miss Parker, and classmates like Tate, she struggles to adjust to school rules while also grappling with the desire to fit in. The opening chapters reveal Dotty's mischievous spirit and her determination to grow up, providing a foundation for the charming and often humorous events that will unfold throughout her school days. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dotty Dimple at School
By Sophie May
"Dotty Dimple at School" by Sophie May is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The book follows the adventures of the young protagonis...
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About the Author
Rebecca Sophia Clarke, also known as Sophie May, was an American author of children's fiction. Using her nieces and nephews as inspiration, she wrote realistic stories about children. Between 1860 and 1903, she wrote 45 books, the most popular being the Little Prudy series. She spent most of her life in her native town of Norridgewock, Maine.
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