"The Shadow Witch" by Gertrude Crownfield is a fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces us to the titular character, the Shadow Witch, who lives in the gloomy land of Shadows and longs for companionship and joy. After encountering a gallant prince, she becomes stuck between her dark world and the brighter realm of the Fire Fairies, as she navigates her relationship with her malevolent brother, the Wizard. The opening of the narrative establishes a rich and enchanting world where contrasting realms coexist—the opulent Land of Fire and the dreary Land of Shadows. As the Shadow Witch ponders her solitude, memories of a brave prince rescue stir her emotions, leading her to encounter the Wizard, who reveals his cruel intentions. The prologue and first chapter set a tone filled with intrigue and conflict, showcasing the Shadow Witch’s hope for liberation and defining her relationship with the other characters. It introduces essential themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the battle between good and evil, all of which promise to unfold in the magical quest that follows. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Shadow Witch
By Gertrude Crownfield
"The Shadow Witch" by Gertrude Crownfield is a fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces us to the titular character, the ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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