"Recoil" by George O. Smith is a science fiction novel written in the early 1940s. The narrative revolves around the concepts of space travel and the challenges associated with navigating through meteors in space. It explores the intricacies of scientific inventions and the personalities that drive technological progress within the backdrop of a futuristic setting. The story follows Walter Franks, an engineer at the Venus Equilateral Relay Station, who is experimenting with an electron gun designed to blast away meteors threatening spacecraft. His colleague, Don Channing, returns from a honeymoon just as trouble arises with a missing spaceship, the "Solar Queen", and a potential pirate threat led by the notorious Hellion Murdoch. While developing their technology to protect spacecraft, Don and Walt must navigate through challenges, including technical sabotage, operational failures, and unexpected consequences of their inventions. As tensions rise, they devise a plan to use their newly developed electron gun to confront Murdoch, leading to a climactic showdown that tests their ingenuity and resolve. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By George O. (George Oliver) Smith
"Recoil" by George O. Smith is a science fiction novel written in the early 1940s. The narrative revolves around the concepts of space travel and the ...
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About the Author
George Oliver Smith was an American science fiction author. He is not to be confused with George H. Smith, another American science fiction author.
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