"The Cowardly Lion of Oz" by Ruth Plumly Thompson is a children's fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. This tale continues the beloved stories of Oz originally created by L. Frank Baum, following the adventures of the Cowardly Lion as he navigates challenges presented by the peculiar inhabitants of Mudge, a land characterized by its blue-whiskered inhabitants and their amusing quirks. The story features various colorful characters, including the Cowardly Lion and new companions like Notta the Clown and Bob Up, as they embark on a quest that promises excitement and magic. The opening of the book introduces Mustafa of Mudge, the king, who is in search of a new lion to add to his already excessive collection. His amusing antics are accompanied by his impatient chamberlain, Tazzywaller, and are interrupted by the entrance of some of the quirky citizens of Mudge. They engage in a chaotic discussion fueled by Mustafa's exaggerated demands for another lion, eventually leading to his interest in the famous Cowardly Lion of Oz. Alongside this comedic opening, readers are also introduced to Notta Bit More, a clown, who magically transports himself and a little orphan boy named Bob Up to Mudge, setting the stage for their own adventures. This mix of humor and fantasy promises an engaging experience for young readers exploring the whimsical land of Oz. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Cowardly Lion of Oz
By Ruth Plumly Thompson
"The Cowardly Lion of Oz" by Ruth Plumly Thompson is a children's fantasy novel written in the early 20th century. This tale continues the beloved sto...
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About the Author
Ruth Plumly Thompson was an American writer of children's stories, best known for writing many novels placed in Oz, the fictional land of L. Frank Baum's classic children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequels.
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