"Fire Mountain" by Norman Springer is a thrilling sea story written in the early 20th century. The novel follows Martin Blake, a law clerk yearning for adventure, who is thrust into a web of intrigue and mystery after being tasked with delivering a secret envelope to the enigmatic Captain Carew. As Blake navigates a world filled with eccentric characters, including a Japanese man and a hunchbacked sailor, he becomes embroiled in perilous situations that challenge his resolve and courage. At the start of the story, Martin is trapped in a mundane office job, where his dreams of adventure are sparked by glimpses of the sea from his window. Soon after, he is sent on a mysterious mission by his employer, which leads him to the Black Cruiser saloon to find Captain Carew. Unbeknownst to Martin, the night will unravel into chaos as he confronts hidden dangers, including a woman in distress who is caught up in the dealings of Carew and his associates. Intrigued by the threat of violence and the possibility of heroism, Martin begins to realize that he might have finally discovered the excitement he craves, igniting a dramatic quest to save the girl and unravel a dark conspiracy. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Fire Mountain A Thrilling Sea Story
By Norman Springer
"Fire Mountain" by Norman Springer is a thrilling sea story written in the early 20th century. The novel follows Martin Blake, a law clerk yearning fo...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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