"Battleground" by Lester Del Rey is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century, specifically around the 1950s. The story explores the theme of survival and the catastrophic potential of an alien culture threatening humanity. Set against a backdrop of space travel, the narrative unfolds as the crew of a hypercruiser investigates various habitable planets, discovering the remnants of previously advanced civilizations that have mysteriously perished. The plot centers on Acting Captain Lenk and his diverse crew as they navigate the complexities of their mission, encountering a chilling pattern of destruction across the planets they explore. Each site shows evidence of once-thriving cultures that have been annihilated, raising questions about an impending doom heading toward Earth. As Lenk and his crew uncover the truth about the alien races and their respective downfalls, they grapple with concepts of faith, survival, and the cyclical nature of civilization's rise and fall. Ultimately, their return to Earth reveals that the fate of other races may soon be mirrored in humanity itself, leading to profound reflections on the future of the human race. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Lester Del Rey
"Battleground" by Lester Del Rey is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century, specifically around the 1950s. The story explores the the...
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About the Author
Lester del Rey was an American science fiction author and editor. He was the author of many books in the juvenile Winston Science Fiction series, and the fantasy editor at Del Rey Books, the fantasy and science fiction imprint of Ballantine Books, subsequently Random House, working for his fourth wife Judy-Lynn del Rey’s imprint, Del Rey.
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