"The Long Journey" by Elsie Singmaster is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Conrad Weiser, a thirteen-year-old boy living in the ravaged village of Gross Anspach, who embarks on a perilous journey with his family and neighbors in pursuit of a better life in the New World. Themes of war, famine, and hope intertwine as the characters dream of a peaceful and prosperous future. The opening of the novel introduces the Weiser family and their dire circumstances in Gross Anspach, a village devastated by war and the harsh winter. Conrad is tasked with caring for the family's cow, Liesel, and he shares dreams of a new land filled with plentiful resources and freedom from conflict. As the family's patriarch, John Conrad Weiser, gathers the village to propose a journey to escape their suffering, hope flickers amidst their despair. The gathering resonates with a mix of resignation and anticipation as they prepare to leave their homeland for an uncertain but hopeful future. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Long Journey
By Elsie Singmaster
"The Long Journey" by Elsie Singmaster is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Conrad Weiser, a thirteen-yea...
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About the Author
Elsie Singmaster Lewars was an American author from Macungie, Pennsylvania, who has been described as "perhaps Macungie's most famous citizen". She was a Newbery Honor recipient in 1934.
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