"Three Minute Stories" by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards is a collection of short stories intended for young readers, likely written in the early 20th century. This compilation features delightful and whimsical tales that engage children’s imaginations and impart valuable lessons about kindness, friendship, and moral behavior. The stories are accompanied by charming illustrations, which enhance the overall appeal for young audiences. At the start of the collection, the first story, "Johnny and His Sand Box," introduces a young boy named Johnny, who enjoys playing in his sandbox alongside his five neighborhood cats, including his beloved kitten, Muffet. The narrative takes a lively turn when the cats have a nighttime party in the sandbox, only to be interrupted by a rude cat named Bobs. The chaos unfolds as Johnny and Maggie, his nursery helper, are drawn into the fray, raising themes of mischief and unexpected events in a light-hearted manner. The stories set a cheerful tone that is sure to resonate with children, fostering both entertainment and lessons throughout. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Three Minute Stories
By Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
"Three Minute Stories" by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards is a collection of short stories intended for young readers, likely written in the early 20th ...
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About the Author
Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards was an American writer. She wrote more than 90 books including biographies, poetry, and several for children. One well-known children's poem is her literary nonsense verse Eletelephony.
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