"Galusha the Magnificent" by Joseph Crosby Lincoln is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds through the eyes of the protagonist, Galusha Bangs, an amiable but peculiar man who has an affinity for archaeology and ancient cultures. As he navigates life and his relationships with those around him, he is painted as a character who is both earnest and oddball, thrust into comedic and endearing situations. At the start of the narrative, we meet Mr. Horatio Pulcifer, who encounters Mr. Bangs in a foggy locale after he has become lost. The scene is set in a drizzly October as Pulcifer, a local figure with political aspirations, accidentally finds himself embroiled in a humorous misunderstanding with Bangs, who is struggling to find his way to his friend’s house. Through their dialogue, we learn about Bangs’ recent travels and his peculiarities, setting the stage for the unfolding narrative of misadventures and the eventual camaraderie that develops between these two characters. The opening lays a strong foundation for a whimsical exploration of friendship and the absurdities of life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Galusha the Magnificent
By Joseph Crosby Lincoln
"Galusha the Magnificent" by Joseph Crosby Lincoln is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds through the eyes of the prot...
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About the Author
Joseph Crosby Lincoln was an American author of novels, poems, and short stories, many set in a fictionalized Cape Cod.
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