"The Jamesons" by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in the small village of Linnville, where the arrival of the Jameson family, particularly the domineering Mrs. H. Boardman Jameson, disrupts the quaint tranquility and customs of the villagers. This novel explores themes of social class, cultural clash, and the complexities of community interactions, focusing on how the established villagers respond to the influx of the Jameson family. The opening of "The Jamesons" introduces the village before the arrival of boarders, emphasizing the community's pride in their independence and simple comforts. The narrative begins with a false alarm of fire at the home of Caroline Liscom, drawing the attention of curious villagers, including the narrator, who notes the peculiar arrival of the Jamesons as boarders. Mrs. Jameson, a larger-than-life figure with specific demands regarding her family's boarding arrangements, immediately sets the tone for the social dynamics to follow. The scene is lively with the villagers' reactions, showcasing their intrigue and underlying tensions as the Jamesons settle into their new home, querying the shifts in their once simpler lives. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Jamesons
By Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
"The Jamesons" by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in the small village of Linnville, where...
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman was an American author.
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