"Prehistoric Man" by W. L. H. Duckworth is a scientific publication written in the early 20th century. The book delves into the early phases of human history, focusing on the evidence surrounding the origins and evolution of prehistoric humans, specifically concluding at the Aurignacian division of the Palaeolithic Age. It aims to summarize and analyze existing knowledge about human evolution, including fossils and stone tools associated with early humans. The opening of the book sets the stage for a detailed exploration of the precursors to Palaeolithic man, emphasizing the importance of fossil evidence and the significant discoveries of human remains such as Pithecanthropus erectus and the Mauer jaw. Duckworth describes the variety of human fossils, their anatomical characteristics, and their implications for understanding human evolution. He discusses the challenges in determining the geological age and classification of these fossils, highlighting the complexities in the study of early human history and the need for critical examination of the evidence at hand. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Prehistoric man
By W. L. H. (Wynfrid Laurence Henry) Duckworth
"Prehistoric Man" by W. L. H. Duckworth is a scientific publication written in the early 20th century. The book delves into the early phases of human ...
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About the Author
Wynfrid Lawrence Henry Duckworth was a British anatomist, and former Master of Jesus College, Cambridge. The Duckworth Laboratory at Cambridge University is named after him.
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