"Micro-Man" by Weaver Wright is a science fiction story written in the late 1940s. The narrative revolves around the extraordinary discovery of a miniature man, Jeko, by a college student who stumbles upon him while riding on a streetcar. The tale explores themes of curiosity, the nature of existence, and the awe of experiencing a world beyond human comprehension, through the lens of both the young man's perspective and the tiny man's own experiences. The plot begins with the protagonist inadvertently capturing a little man on a matchbox during his morning commute. As he examines this astonishing being, the reader learns about Jeko's journey from his own small world, Mortia, to the expansive realm of the human's environment, filled with giant objects that terrify him. The narrative reveals the thoughts of Jeko as he grapples with the overwhelming size and reality of the mortal world while trying to find a safe haven. Simultaneously, the story touches on the concerns of the scientists within Jeko's world, who face a crisis as their experiments lead to consequences they cannot control. As tension builds, the thread of mortality and the notion of divine retribution intertwine, culminating in a mysterious and thought-provoking ending. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Forrest J. Ackerman
"Micro-Man" by Weaver Wright is a science fiction story written in the late 1940s. The narrative revolves around the extraordinary discovery of a mini...
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About the Author
Forrest James Ackerman was an American magazine editor; science fiction writer and literary agent; a founder of science fiction fandom; a leading expert on science fiction, horror, and fantasy films; a prominent advocate of the Esperanto language; and one of the world's most avid collectors of genre books and film memorabilia. He was based in Los Angeles, California.
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