"Little Pollie" by Gertrude P. Dyer is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young flower seller named Pollie, a ten-year-old girl who begins her first day of selling violets to support her ailing mother in London. As she navigates the bustling streets and the challenges of her environment, the narrative explores themes of kindness, morality, and the struggles faced by the impoverished. At the start of the novel, Pollie's innocence shines as she tries to sell her violets outside the Bank of England, but she struggles to attract customers. She encounters various characters, including a more brazen girl named Sally, who offers her some unsolicited advice. Despite her melancholy circumstances, such as the loss of her father and her mother's illness, Pollie displays a strong moral compass, returning a mistakenly received shilling to a lady who purchases her flowers. The opening chapters establish Pollie's tender nature and deep sense of right and wrong, laying the groundwork for her journey through adversity while fostering connections with those around her, such as her ill mother and other vulnerable characters in her community. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little Pollie Or a Bunch of Violets
By Gertrude P. Dyer
"Little Pollie" by Gertrude P. Dyer is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young flower seller named Pollie, a...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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