"Under Sail" by Lincoln Colcord is a narrative work likely written in the early 20th century. The book centers around the story of Captain Wilbur, who is embroiled in a scandal involving his ship, the "Speedwell", and explores themes of morality, personal integrity, and the consequences of one's actions in the realm of maritime adventure. The opening of the narrative sets the stage with a philosophical discussion among sailors, particularly focusing on the observations of Nichols, who contemplates the nature of understanding among different cultures. As the conversation unfolds, it becomes evident that Captain Wilbur is a controversial character marked by his past scandals. With an implication of treachery related to the "Speedwell", the narrative hints at the deeper moral complexities surrounding Wilbur’s decisions and actions. The story quickly escalates as Nichols recounts Wilbur’s downfall and the mounting repercussions of his choices, suggesting the development of a gripping tale that intertwines personal failings with the harsh realities of life at sea. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Under Sail
By Lincoln Colcord
"Under Sail" by Lincoln Colcord is a narrative work likely written in the early 20th century. The book centers around the story of Captain Wilbur, who...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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