"Upon The Tree-Tops" by Olive Thorne Miller is a nature-themed account written in the late 19th century. The book explores the intricacies of bird life, expressing the author's admiration for their individual traits and songs through a series of observations. The narrative serves as a blend of memoir and field observations, presenting a rich tapestry of the relationships between birds and their surroundings. At the start of the book, the author shares her desire to immerse herself in the tranquility of nature following a hectic city life. She finds herself in a solitary farmhouse in the Green Mountains, where she watches birds from her window, reflecting on their beauty and individuality. Soon, she is joined by a friend, an "Enthusiast" of birdwatching, and together they embark on forest explorations in search of specific birds, notably the hermit thrush and the oven-bird. Their excursions are filled with lyrical descriptions of the flora and fauna around them as they eagerly listen for the captivating songs of their feathered companions, setting the tone for an intimate journey into the world of birds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Upon The Tree-Tops
By Olive Thorne Miller
"Upon The Tree-Tops" by Olive Thorne Miller is a nature-themed account written in the late 19th century. The book explores the intricacies of bird lif...
Harriet Mann Miller was an American author, naturalist, and ornithologist. She was one of the first three women raised to elective membership in the American Ornithologists' Union. Miller wrote stories for leading magazines. At the start of her career, her articles appeared under the pen name "Olive Thorne" while after marriage, she used the signature of "Olive Thorne Miller". Her books include: Little Folks in Feathers and Fur (1879), Queer Pets at Marcy’s (1880), Little People of Asia (1882), Birds’ Ways (1885), In Nesting Time (1888), and also a serial story entitled, "Nimpo’s Troubles", published in the St. Nicholas Magazine, in 1874.