"Perkins, the Fakeer: A Travesty on Reincarnation" by Edward S. Van Zile is a humorous fiction work written in the early 20th century. The story follows a couple, Reginald and Caroline, who experience a bizarre case of body-switching, leading them to grapple with the absurdities of their new identities. The plot hints at themes of identity, marriage dynamics, and the comical challenges that ensue from their unusual predicament. At the start of the narrative, we are introduced to Reginald and Caroline, who awaken one morning to find that their consciousnesses have been swapped; Reginald is now inhabiting Caroline's body, while Caroline is in his. Together, they face the immediate complications of their situation, including how to navigate their daily lives and responsibilities while residing in each other's physical forms. The opening chapters detail their frantic attempts to adjust, featuring amusing encounters with a maid and a butler, while they try to conceal their extraordinary condition to avoid suspicion from those around them. The story sets a whimsical tone as it explores the chaos and comedy that arises from their enforced body switch. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Perkins, the Fakeer: A Travesty on Reincarnation His wonderful workings in the cases of "When Reginald was Caroline", "How Chopin came to Remsen", and "Clarissa's troublesome baby"
By Edward S. (Edward Sims) Van Zile
"Perkins, the Fakeer: A Travesty on Reincarnation" by Edward S. Van Zile is a humorous fiction work written in the early 20th century. The story follo...
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About the Author
Edward Sims Van Zile was an American writer. He published fiction, non-fiction, biographies, a commentary on war, and a history of the early days of movies. In 1904, in an essay about him, Book News Biographies said "for the past ten years Mr. Van Zile has been known to the reading public through many short stories, novelettes and a few novels".
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