"The World Above: A Duologue" by Martha Foote Crow is a dramatic work likely written in the early 20th century. This book is set in a juxtaposed world known as The Darker Realm, which exists beneath a bright and beautiful human metropolis referred to as The World Above. The narrative explores themes of light and darkness, consciousness, and the inherent desires of the human spirit, particularly through the yearning for beauty and a better existence. The story revolves around two main characters, Jean and Angelica, who inhabit The Darker Realm and dream of the vibrant world above them. Their conversations reveal a deep connection as they share their hopes, fears, and curiosity about The World Above. Angelica, imbued with a sense of wonder, longs for the light and beauty she believes exist above, while Jean is more pragmatic and skeptical of such ideals. As they engage in discussions about saints, colors, and their own dreams, they contemplate the potential of a brighter existence. The play culminates in a poignant exploration of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of enlightenment, as the characters navigate the delicate balance between hope and reality, ultimately seeking to transcend their underground existence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The World Above: A Duologue
By Martha Foote Crow
"The World Above: A Duologue" by Martha Foote Crow is a dramatic work likely written in the early 20th century. This book is set in a juxtaposed world...
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About the Author
Martha Emily Foote Crow was an American educator and writer. Born in Sackets Harbor, New York, she played an important role in the development of higher education for women in the United States.
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