"The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation" by Annie Fellows Johnston is a novel written in the early 20th century. This charming tale unfolds around the character of Lloyd Sherman, known as the "Little Colonel," as she embarks on her Christmas vacation. Set against the backdrop of a boarding school for girls, the story promises themes of friendship, adventure, and self-discovery, particularly as Lloyd interacts with her classmates and navigates school life. The opening of the story introduces Warwick Hall, a grand boarding school for girls that resembles an old castle, where the character Madam Chartley oversees the education of her pupils. As students arrive at the school, we meet Lloyd and her companions, who are excited about their new experiences at Warwick Hall. The narrative highlights their initial impressions of the beautiful surroundings and the intriguing, slightly whimsical nature of the institution. We also witness the bonds forming among the girls and the anticipation for the fun and challenges that lie ahead, setting the stage for their adventures during Christmas vacation. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation
By Annie F. (Annie Fellows) Johnston
"The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation" by Annie Fellows Johnston is a novel written in the early 20th century. This charming tale unfolds around th...
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About the Author
Annie Fellows Johnston was an American author of children's fiction who wrote the popular The Little Colonel series, which was the basis for the 1935 Shirley Temple film The Little Colonel; many of the books were illustrated by photographer Kate Matthews. She was born and grew up in McCutchanville, Indiana, a small unincorporated town near Evansville, Indiana.
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