"Rollo in Naples" by Jacob Abbott is a children's adventure novel written in the mid-19th century. The story follows a young boy named Rollo and his relatives, as they embark on a journey through Italy, specifically to Naples, while exploring the culture, traditions, and landscapes of the region. It combines elements of travel narrative and educational content, ideal for young readers interested in exploration and discovery. The beginning of the narrative introduces Rollo's experiences in Florence, where he learns about the unique mode of traveling called a "vetturino". Accompanied by his Uncle George, Rollo is excited about the potential for adventure that lies ahead as they prepare to travel to Naples. The text details their discussions about the journey, different modes of transport, and the arrangements they make, including finding companions for shared expenses and discussing accommodations. The opening chapters establish not only the setting and characters but also the context for exploring Naples and its famous attractions, foreshadowing the excitement of climbing Mount Vesuvius and discovering the historical sites in the surrounding area. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Rollo in Naples
By Jacob Abbott
"Rollo in Naples" by Jacob Abbott is a children's adventure novel written in the mid-19th century. The story follows a young boy named Rollo and his r...
Jacob Abbott was an American writer of children's books.
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